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  1. Yesterday
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  3. Raffle bots working again, inventory/auctions up next for testing
  4. Item expiration was suspended while bots were down, you should be able to withdraw raffles normally now
  5. Many buy bps small and big, such as wayde. Contact them, they're generally advertising it in their name.
  6. Same things been happening to me. I heard that expiration dates for items in your inventory (as in scrap.tf inventory) will be on pause, although I don't necessarily know if that applies to items that need to be withdrawn as well.
  7. I just won a raffle recently and wanted to withdraw it immediately but I am seeing this whenever I try to. 'The bot holding these items is currently not available to trade.' Even though steam API and trading are up? is anyone able to withdraw the raffles or is the withdrawal halted till further notice? I just want to withdraw it before the 2 weeks else it will be gone ;-;
  8. Earlier
  9. Just asking how's the scrap.tf bots situation right now
  10. Because Valve Nuked bots
  11. Expiration on all items was temporarily halted while the bots are unable to function.
  12. It's not about unlocking bots, it's about making sure it won't happen again, Valve made Major changes without prior warning and the consequences for not complying is being permanently trade banned, which not only locks trade bots but also inventory bots with user's items (Plus a large part of the code to be changed was made by someone who no longer works here and who left no documentation back in the day X.X)
  13. 何を探してるんです?

  14. go to scrap.tf oh yeah, i forgot
  15. i am just gonna post about my day, considering this place is drying then bikini bottom after spongebob pulled the "MAIN DRAIN" (Caps for "Effect") im gonna 4chan it because its funny:troll: >be me >wake up >cry >see if scrap.tf is functional yet >cry >load up tf2 >Q4Casual >viaduct >wowieshawie.png >bitchatronic.png >snipers trying to kill god himself, saying "GOOD SHOT MATE" and spamming a t.me link and slurs >fuck >cry because no viaduct >cry some more >re Q >1 minute passsed >no casual match >cancel Q >join skial >forgot im banned (i said funny gamer words) >re Q (again) for casual >cry >fuck it >download ow2 >absolutely fucking mid game >tf2 is unplayable >cry again >load up comp match >instalock widowmaker >widow goes 1 (Kills) / 2 (Assists) / 33 (Deaths) >game ends >widowmaker drops the nword >widowmaker tells me to kms (im going 21 / 4 / 3) >nahidwin.png >drop the most vile disgusting that would get me 94 life sentences insult too exist >close ow2 >go on the scrap.tf forums >now i'm here! >thegoodending.png >gnchat.png
  16. Osen Online. chill map with packed with 2000's nostalgia https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3136051315 https://gamebanana.com/mods/489449
  17. is there a rick roll in here anywhere? im too lazy to look. nor click anything.
  18. bro you worked so hard for those kills, dont just give them away to some random hitman!!11 hes a hitman let him get the kills n his own!!111
  19. i like misery meat by soddiken, the lyrics are weird. but it just feels nice in my ears
  20. owning a slave, or a golden pan. (equal price)
  21. Intoxicated, Fucking, Scottish, Dude.
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