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Sgt Puncake

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  1. So i don't know if it's just me, but when i try to sell my professional killstreak Nessie's nine iron, it appears in the "weapons" section. so i think i can sell it for 2 keys and 2 ref (don't know if the price changed yet. I should check that) but i can't. Instead, it will accept it for: 1 WEAPON. i think your banking services should recognize professional killstreaks! i also tried to sell my strange pro ks phlog and it only accepted 3 ref. In conclusion, i DON'T THINK there should be a killstreak weapons bank (even tho that would be pretty cool because i don't want to sell or buy just the kits), but I DO THINK that the banks should recognize killstreak items and not just recognize the quality of the item itself.
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