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Everything posted by lord

  1. You are banned because of having 54 posts
  2. True I predict the next person is a boy
  3. You are banned because of having 2 O's in your username.
  4. True I predict someone will answer this post/ post on this thread
  5. is a loli lover (Liitle children/flat)
  6. Comment on this----> "Comment On This"

    1. lord


      "Comment On This"

    2. iProcyonæ


      "Comment On This" :3

  7. I am 2Kawaii2Live, 2Sugoi2Die
  8. False I predict that the next person likes Donkeys (ASS)
  9. You are banned for being a Grammar Nazi
  10. lord

    Corrupt a wish :3

    Wish Granted, Pistachios weigh 10 tons and crash through the roof crushing you I wish i could eat
  11. False The next person will say false
  12. lord

    Corrupt a wish :3

    Granted. The pizzas are rotten and are poisoned I wish I could be an Anime character
  13. Good Job (*shh its a strange box)
  14. lord

    Corrupt a wish :3

    Wish Granted , Llama dies 5 seconds later I wish to have a harem (Non-Ugly-Fat-Disgusting) (Offensive Yes)
  15. 7/10 Nice Beat but don't like genre https://youtu.be/IO7t7fRk4IU I don't know how to do it (Safari) (Mac)
  16. Ur Banned because of banning me
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