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Everything posted by Luki

  1. some personal advice: - Try to keep your crosshair at headheight. - Peek around corners before walking around them. - Listen for footsteps. For some tips from the cs:go community, check http://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/2a84ks/csgo_noob_pro_guide/ .
  2. We'll see how the supply and demand of items turns out. I'm sure the price managers will handle it.
  3. I don't think that this is the right place, but since there is no marketplace.tf forum, I don't know where it should belong.
  4. I like reading through the forums and reading all the posts of people that don't read rules and guidelines. It makes me giggle.

    1. ⛧ ǍгᴋᴀɴД ₭ɪлʛ ⛧

      ⛧ ǍгᴋᴀɴД ₭ɪлʛ ⛧

      How else can we build post count without spamming :)

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx5BNDPA5hE
  6. I don't currently have a genuine item, but I have never seen genuine items in the bots. I don't know if it is the quality or the price.
  7. Yup, TC is indeed a lot of fun. I hope that some mapmakers will make some TC maps.
  8. banned for not being a donator
  9. Yup, Source Filmmaker uses the source engine, so does tf2. That's why models and maps work on both
  10. Luki

    The cookie

    That's a water pistol, dummy, and behind you are the cops. Now if you can move a little closer I can get that cookie out of your pocket
  11. Webs isn't that bad either. comes with a lot of free templates
  12. Luki

    Count to 100

    ## ## # # # # # # # # ##### ##### # # Close enough
  13. Roses are red, violets are blue, I suck at poems, wanna have 6?
  14. troo, I dont no houw to gremmer The next poster knows somebody IRL that is either a brony or a furry
  15. nope, I never have a pretext to tell to my teacher #firstworldproblems #100/100fibercableftw
  16. *hopes that a moderator will close this topic in 3... 2... 1...*
  17. Communist Cat Consumer
  18. éiweiß No one f*cks with the germans (feel free to just use the letter s, since you pronounce the ß as "ss") shh, yes I know you write it without the ', but whatever
  19. Luki

    Corrupt a wish :3

    Wish granted, A giant, huge, enormous Marmite cake! I wish for a Purple bicycle with green stripes
  20. You're banned for being a furry. Whoops, this might not be the best place to post. Whatever, YOLO!
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