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Loki, The Zoroark

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Everything posted by Loki, The Zoroark

  1. Raffle bots working again, inventory/auctions up next for testing
  2. Item expiration was suspended while bots were down, you should be able to withdraw raffles normally now
  3. Because Valve Nuked bots
  4. Expiration on all items was temporarily halted while the bots are unable to function.
  5. It's not about unlocking bots, it's about making sure it won't happen again, Valve made Major changes without prior warning and the consequences for not complying is being permanently trade banned, which not only locks trade bots but also inventory bots with user's items (Plus a large part of the code to be changed was made by someone who no longer works here and who left no documentation back in the day X.X)
  6. Raffles showing up while trading is down have been scheduled ahead of time
  7. Probably overstocked if you can't sell it
  8. We have no links with Valve, sadly, but yeah, it's a pretty paint
  9. By now they should have become a Grinch and you reassigned if they failed to select something as a gift
  10. There isn't really anything a user could do to mess with our bots other than try to pretend to be one (Or bots will never send trades without your input through the site)
  11. You should have an option to reject it, although it's a bit late for that now...
  12. We ended up giving a bit more time for people to confirm, everyone should be paired now
  13. There isn't really an extra other than just what you get for doing more of them
  14. Scrap staff (and any respectable website's for that matter) will never personally contact you asking to trade valuable items for "verification"
  15. There is no such thing, you are suffering from a scam attempt, just ignore them and report it on backpack.tf/rep.tf
  16. Should be quite valuable as halloween fire is one of the most desirable effects, can't really give an estimate because i am not super familiar with spell trading tho
  17. Hecking no! A couple useful tips: 1. Never ever log anywhere through the link someone else gives to you, even if it's from a friend as their account might be compromised. 2. If you visit an unknown site, check the to see if it's trustworthy and check the spelling of the url, something like steamconnunity.com means it's a fake one made to look like the original and steal your password 3. No moderator from steam, trade site or elsewhere will contact you privately/through unofficial items to ask for your items, to log somewhere or whatever, if someone claims to be a moderator they will have something clearly visible showing that, on steam they have an unique badge on their profile, here on scrap we have badges, tags and a full staff list at scrap.tf/about 4. Never trade for something outside of the trade window 5. Knowledge is your best defense, know about the most common scam methods
  18. Trades will not be accepted it they are on hold, you need to set an authenticatior be it mobile or desktop
  19. The best you can do is learn from it so it never happen again, it's always a hard blow when stuff like that happens, but is not the end of the world, a lot of big traders were scammed when they were starting. So in short learn about the most common scamming methods, never accept a trade for something that isn't on the trade offer itself, always double check the items and the values and always be careful with where you are signing in with your steam, if you haven't heard it better safe than sorry and if you did don't go there through a random link someone gave you without double checking the url to make sure it isn't a fake site imitating the original.
  20. 2 weeks, just enough to allow steam guard to wake up
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