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Bong Rips for Karl

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Everything posted by Bong Rips for Karl

  1. The items are Brainiac Headpiece (Vivid plasma), Mining Light (Searing plasma), and Strange Trencher's Topper (Green Black Hole). I've had the combo for a few years now, and see the market has slowed significantly. I see there are two sellers up for the same Headpiece ~80keys, and the Mining Light is right around the old backpack.tf price of 54keys. The Trench Topper is 1 of 1 and strange, not sure if the old price is relevant now. It could be 160 total, could be more because of Trench Topper being unique and exclusive. Obviously will sell for much less than 160... Any opinions regarding their likelihood of being sold together, or estimates from anyone still trading would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Can't really say what spells are worth now, but one of the last unusuals I picked up (a few years ago) was a Kill-a-watt Officer's Ushanka for the Heavy with Sinister Staining and Voices from Below. The seller asked maybe for a key more than the other sellers, and it was in the low 20s already. There can't be all that many unusuals, let alone Ushankas with those spells, but they weren't all that sought after, and were basically perks to say theirs was a little "better". There were very few instances of people actively looking for these before. I don't know if the market has changed enough, where the fewer traders around and now are actively looking for niche things like items with spells to resell. How many people are asking you for each item, and what was the time frame they started adding you? Also, how willing are you to sell the items? It's likely you're going to have to figure their value on your own, study the buyers a little, ask the buyers for an offer, see how it compares to what the base value of the items are (not backpack.tf list price, what they're being listed by sellers for). It's rare (at least from what I remember) to find people seeking spells outside of Halloween. To get you started, there are two active listings on backpack.tf for a Team Spirit Fast Learner for 10ref, and a The Value of Teamwork Fast Learner for 13ref. I would expect them to want to pay around 15-16ref. Again, ask them what they think it's worth, since that's likely what they'll pay. Get the base values, so you know what's a low ball.
  3. Quite a late response, but just joined the site recently for other reasons. On backpack.tf you can check historical data on your own inventory, and acquire the histories of items you previously had in your backpack. You can also compare two different dates to see what you or another person has gained/lost in a certain time frame to narrow down which item you're looking for. This is your difference in inventory between April 9th and June 6th: https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198353387568#!/compare/1554768000/1558396800 I can see the only thing now missing from your inventory of any particular unique value was a Strange Puggyback. This is it's item history: https://backpack.tf/item/7468261686 Unfortunately, the item has not been parsed in any public inventories yet. I should add that I'm not at all familiar with how Marketplace.tf works. I'm looking at the listings of some items now, and seeing that there are options to message a seller. Did the buyer contact you, or does the site hold your sales on a bot first?
  4. The items are Brainiac Headpiece (Vivid plasma), Mining Light (Searing plasma), and Strange Trencher's Topper (Green Black Hole). I've had the combo for a few years now after I stopped trading, and can't even remember what I bought most of them for, since it was over the span of a year or more collecting all three. All the old backpacktf data is ancient, as well. Their likelihood of being sold together, or their individual worth. Any info would be appreciated.
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