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Noticing my professional killstreak items

Sgt Puncake

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So i don't know if it's just me, but when i try to sell my professional killstreak Nessie's nine iron, it appears in the "weapons" section. so i think i can sell it for 2 keys and 2 ref (don't know if the price changed yet. I should check that) but i can't. Instead, it will accept it for: 1 WEAPON. i think your banking services should recognize professional killstreaks! i also tried to sell my strange pro ks phlog and it only accepted 3 ref. In conclusion, i DON'T THINK there should be a killstreak weapons bank (even tho that would be pretty cool because i don't want to sell or buy just the kits), but I DO THINK that the banks should recognize killstreak items and not just recognize the quality of the item itself.



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See, here's the thing: Bots don't recognize stuff like Killstreaks, Strange Parts, or Halloween Effects, as it's I think a non-updated bug withing the bots themselves. Like if you were to place a Killstreak Kit on a cosmetic, it would only register it for the cosmetic itself, without including the Killstreak itself too. Just don't bother selling it, try and trade with someone for your PK Nessie's Iron on another site.

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