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Confusiod with specialised killstreak vaccinator

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So i got this item and i wanted to sell it.
Cheapest offer on steam is 1.80€, but backpack.tf shows that item is worth 0.08 ref
This confused me because on marketplace.tf one refined is 0.15€
So, what offer would be considered "good"?
Please say that more than 2 ref, cause i need 1.66 for hat to make great raffle.
Sorry if this topic is: stupid/written in wrong place/etc.
New here.
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Ah yes, I understand you now.

Since killstreaks can't really have a set price they are not priced on backpack and other trading sites, this means it displayed as the default weapon price (without killstreaks).


However this is well known so people won't offer you 1 scrap or whatever.

They seem to go for a bit under 1 key on the SCM so maybe somewhere of about 11-14 refined.

Personally I'd buy it at around 10 ref if  I had the metal.

Then again it would depend on the sheen and if anyone is willing to buy it.

Make your own choice and good luck selling!

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