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Personal complaint on regards of one specific Server 1 rule


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"No shooting every player down. This is a hangout server, not a deathmatch server."

I wasn't aware there was this new rule that was implemented into the server as of 1 year ago from what I've been told which is something to say the least but that's not the point.

Why is it a rule exactly?

I'm going to say what I have to say and everyone else is free to criticize this post, or just call me a sweaty tryhard I guess

1. What purpose does the Friendly Plugin serve at this point if this is a rule?
If people are not allowed to deathmatch and the only reasonable reason to kill someone is only by duel or the "funnies" sounds absurd to me, friendly plugin exists for people who don't want to be killed and just explore the map or just mess around with people

2. It is very easy to abuse this just to get someone banned
If someone engages you in a sort of duel, what is stopping me to just get killed by that specific individual and report them for that since there is no SourceTV to record that, and even if there is, that's just more work added for the mods to be forcefully be active in the Server and the chat logs won't tell you much besides who was killed by what.

3. People prefer to take it into their own matters and witch-hunt instead of warning
My first experience into joining the server after a long while was going as a caber Demo to blow people up as a Zombine (yeah I know is a silly thing) and instead of being met with "hey this is a rule in a server not to kill people" I get killed by a few people a few time while being taunted after a kill and am told to "please stop" with no context on the rules. The other person only afterwards told me that there was a rule for that after I switched to Scout and started going on a killing row to fight back the other Scout and killing a few people there and there, yet the first action that person was gonna take from what my friend on their team showed me in DM's of the team chat was the person was gonna report me.

I'm aware I should've read the rules, but if my only way to find out about the rule update is through one raffle that appears in a full-moon on which I haven't played in the server in forever nor visit scrap.tf raffles often besides trading. I don't know what gives
Maybe I should've considered checking the rules after so long, in which I'm sorry. The server gets barely updated in general so I assumed everything was still the same, but it still shouldn't make people go into a mindset to just witch-hunt an individual without both warning and just simply reporting them and waiting instead of themselves breaking that rule and killing that person constantly as a way to dealing with the bad guy because apparently "bullying a bully doesn't make me a bully"

4. "This is a chillout/hangout server" argument
I'm not sure what people mean by this, if this was called a "Friendly server" that would be completely reasonable for me to think "okay this is a server where people shouldn't kill one another"
When I see a server that's called chillout/hangout, I think "this is a server where people just chill,talk and hangout, while doing their own thing" that's it. People have a completely different perspective towards TF2 as what they consider chilling/hanging out be it killing people or just friendlying around. Even the word "be friendly in here" is worded poorly where it only means "Be friendly towards others players and play the game how you want" and not "be friendly towards others and don't go killing people" 

I've said everything I had to say, you may agree with me or disagree since we all have a different perspective on what TF2 is, but I feel this should be at least mentioned. Thank you for reading and have a good day/night

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