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  3. i recently got an usuallifier, and went to sell it on scrap.tf to find that theres seemingly no option to sell them? I dont know if im missing something obvious, or if theres a reason you cant sell them. I'd appreciate any sort of explanation, thanks!
  4. I wanted to make a specilized killstreak kritzkrieg and the apoco-fists are one of the best to be used for the 1x killstreak item required in the ingredients. apparently the strange version of the apoco fists was cheaper than the unique version. So i was wondering if the strange killstreak apoco fists could be used as a crafting ingredient for the fabricator. Can someone tell me?
  5. Yesterday
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  7. You need to go to the inventory of the specific bot. For example https://scrap.tf/items/31, there you can see the individual items. If you want to buy, for example https://steamcommunity.com/id/tf2scrap31/inventory/#440_2_14492648283 you would want to search for html element that has the attribute data-id="14492648283". (I guess searching for one specific item could have been made more user friendly.)
  8. For some items, you can find it on page like https://scrap.tf/item/<the-item-name>. Example: https://scrap.tf/item/strange-frying-pan But it's possible that not all items have their page, you can check if https://scrap.tf/sitemap_1.txt or https://scrap.tf/sitemap_2.txt contains the item you're interested in.
  9. If you want to look at it cynically, I guess you could say they are trading their items for the encouraging comments.
  10. like why do i need to learn your life story and the reason you feel like ass for the past 8 years? i want money damnit!!!
  11. Earlier
  12. The title explains everything, I want to buy conscientious objectors but i dont want to buy the entire stock of the site
  13. do u wanna fight

  14. I've got a number of irrational fears that I'd like to share with you

  15. Hey dear scrap.tf community, after a year of development me and my team launched a TF2 bot. With that you can buy or sell TF2 keys full automated for cryptocurrency. We are still new and working on more updates atm. Would be happy about every feedback i can get! Here are some links: 🔑 Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/cryptoluna 🌍 Website: https://www.cryptoluna.tf/ ⭐ Discord: https://discord.gg/cryptoluna (Discord also offers our Bot which can notify you on stock and you can use several commands) ✅ Feedbacks: https://www.steamtrades.com/user/76561199641314855, https://backpack.tf/trust/76561199641314855 Thanks for your help, any feedbacks are appreciated! ❤️
  16. How do I see the value of an item that I A. Don't have B. The bots don't have
  17. what changed on steams end for this to happen?
  18. had a hand full of accusations of stuff like threatening people who ive never met and someone messaging me discord who i think is from school but like im a 5,6 trans girl im anything but threatening
  19. Smidge ♡


    Nya~ Ya~ *Licks you*
  20. has this changed in 2024 i want to join
  21. same but ima wait because it was recent
  22. the voices tell you to gift it to me >~<
  23. I know I'm late as fuck, but at least you won't fall for that scam again. sure, losing items sucks, but it's pretty much part of the process of trading. also there is the chance that you can waste some scammer's time in the future, that's always fun
  24. stock medigun. nice and simple, you can't go wrong with it
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