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Posts posted by trirpi

  1. 19 minutes ago, 3xlneet #ScrapTF said:

    This is not a bug. Before bidding we remind you that we check the IDs of the item and ask you to not trade it away.

    Wouldn't it be better to just save the name and level of the item. Because now even if the items are exactly the same it doesn't work anymore. 

    But with ref and keys it doesn't matter. So that is far more convenient.


    With this system I can't even look which one of the items I have bid because you cannot see the id of the item you bid. So it would be handy to be able to see the id of the item you bid on the auction.

  2. I created a bid on an auction and won. But I had one item two times and I traded away one. And now it says I don't have the items when I try to finish the bid. But the item was the same level, same quality so why is this. I don't want to get banned. But it seems like I will.


    It is this auction: https://scrap.tf/auctions/FU18SY


    I had two Alien Swarm Parasites level 20.

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