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  4. Yer a social engineer, harry!

    1. missing texture

      missing texture

      I'm the bad guy? How'd that happen?

  5. I am looking for a scatter gun killstreak kit for it, but it doesn't really matter
  6. Earlier
  7. So... tell me why I sell an unusal orbiting planets charmer chapeau to scrap.tf and I get 8ish keys for it... when its going for 30 keys on every other website. Honestly, this is at least sharking, if not scamming on your part since you used the reputation you uphold in the community to scam players out of 60%+ of an items value. And no, it's not my responsibility to check on the prices on my own since scrap has enough of a reputation that I thought they would give me some sort of deal, like 5 keys less than the actual value, not 20+ keys in value lost to them. Glad im leaving this game behind, bunch of fucking greedy fatasses at scrap.tf i swear. For anyone reading, just sell your stuff and move onto another game, it's not going to ever be updated like it was in the past and the trading community is filled with a bunch of bot hosters or scammers like this website.
  8. It Has Been 3 Months Since Scrap's Outage, And Skin, Game, And Card Trading Are Still Down, And I'd Love To Sell Some Stuff To Get Some More Ref To My Name
  9. It's a well known scammer, if you have buddies that play tf2, warm them about it because they usually go for the people in your friend list afterwards
  10. I swear every auction I go into has a bot on the other end betting a single scrap above anything I bet
  11. With that price it might take longer before you find a buyer. Today I saw a listing selling it for 30 ref https://backpack.tf/item/685471402 Maybe add other parts/festivizer/killstreak to increase the value?
  12. I don't know any official explanation, but I also don't have the option to sell unusualifier neither in https://scrap.tf/sell/unusuals nor https://scrap.tf/sell/items. I could only guess why other sites buy/sell unusualifiers but this one doesn't.
  13. I just got a strange degreaser with a teammates extinguished part, which is worth 3.1 keys. I've heard that you should sell parted items for about 50% of the value of the parts. Does that apply to this, because I can't get anyone to buy it for even 1 key.
  14. wait nvm it fixed itself
  15. title. trade wont cancel
  16. No, it cannot be used. The killstreak weapon must have Unique quality.
  17. i recently got an usuallifier, and went to sell it on scrap.tf to find that theres seemingly no option to sell them? I dont know if im missing something obvious, or if theres a reason you cant sell them. I'd appreciate any sort of explanation, thanks!
  18. I wanted to make a specilized killstreak kritzkrieg and the apoco-fists are one of the best to be used for the 1x killstreak item required in the ingredients. apparently the strange version of the apoco fists was cheaper than the unique version. So i was wondering if the strange killstreak apoco fists could be used as a crafting ingredient for the fabricator. Can someone tell me?
  19. You need to go to the inventory of the specific bot. For example https://scrap.tf/items/31, there you can see the individual items. If you want to buy, for example https://steamcommunity.com/id/tf2scrap31/inventory/#440_2_14492648283 you would want to search for html element that has the attribute data-id="14492648283". (I guess searching for one specific item could have been made more user friendly.)
  20. For some items, you can find it on page like https://scrap.tf/item/<the-item-name>. Example: https://scrap.tf/item/strange-frying-pan But it's possible that not all items have their page, you can check if https://scrap.tf/sitemap_1.txt or https://scrap.tf/sitemap_2.txt contains the item you're interested in.
  21. If you want to look at it cynically, I guess you could say they are trading their items for the encouraging comments.
  22. like why do i need to learn your life story and the reason you feel like ass for the past 8 years? i want money damnit!!!
  23. The title explains everything, I want to buy conscientious objectors but i dont want to buy the entire stock of the site
  24. do u wanna fight

  25. I've got a number of irrational fears that I'd like to share with you

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