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  1. Interesting, not important? Its one of the 9 posts geel ever made here during all the time.
  2. Agreed, its like telling me the position of the Google Search bar is copyrighted, but DuckDuckGo has it in the same Spot.
  3. Agreed, at that point I might looked at it, but coded my own.
  4. Exactly, I actually copied nothing from scrap.tfs code. Not even using FlatUI.
  5. Alright, so this is how the ScrapTF Community thinks. I collected the opinion of the STN.tf Community: http://www.strawpoll.me/11204632/r
  6. There aren't that many simlarities at all. Alright, the Status thing might be simlar, but at all we kinda made our own design. Also I didn't stole design at any part, all coded on my own, I might oriented a bit. You might hate it or not, but there should be alternatives to scrap.tf. Now I just need to add Scrapbanking .
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