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The Entire Population of China

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Everything posted by The Entire Population of China

  1. My lucky child is getting an unusual. I want some weeaboo catgirl game from my Secret Santa.
  2. I found out about this on the forum I frequent, and was very surprised to see it hasn't been mentioned here yet. Recently, some code was added to Steam. Here's what it reads: 'What is Escrow?', After a trade has been accepted by both parties, if either party's account has not been secured by the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator, then to protect against unauthorized trades, the traded items will be placed in escrow. During the escrow period, the items will not be available to either user. This allows users who have not secured their accounts to cancel any unauthorized trades and recover their items. Canceling all pending and in-escrow trades will place a trading hold on your account for a few days to prevent any further unauthorized attempts to trade away items. Sauce (Reddit Post) Were this to be implemented, it would do horrible things to the trading economy. At this site in particular, each and every bot would need to have a different phone number associated with them, and every user would need to have a phone number linked to their account, which just is not feasible. This was first discovered by the CS:GO trading community but affects all Steam Trade games, such as TF2 and DOTA 2. Petitions rarely have significant impact, but this one may help worlds, and the creator will hand-deliver it to Valve themselves. It's already close to 5000 signatures after only being up for a day and a half. I would highly recommend signing it and spreading the word, so that this feature does not get released.
  3. This is a thread where you may post good/great/funny/etc. HUDs for us all to use. This is a hud that replaces class icons with Touhou characters. Must have 3D HUD icons disabled. http://tf2.gamebanana.com/guis/27399
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