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Everything posted by LTLT

  1. So I wanted to go on marketplace.tf on a new browser so I googled it. Then I noticed an ad for marketplace.tf but the URL was marketplacetf.cc It looked kinda fishy to me so I clicked on it and I must say, they did a pretty good job faking the site. Pressing any button here redirects you to steam community login so its not a phishing site. I'm not sure what they are trying to do but I'm sure it isnt very good. Please be careful guys.
  2. There's a few things you can do to start off, but the two basic options are trading with bots and trading with actual humans on trade servers. Trading with bots basically entails looking at backpack.tf, scrap.tf, trade.tf etc. and looking for price differences that net you around 1 ref at best per trade. It's hard to find these trades and its kinda grindey to keep doing this for any substantial amount of time but it's instant and doesnt require any human interaction. Secondly, you can hang around trade servers and just trade everyone you can. Seriously, just wait for someone to send out a deal in the chat. Be alert and see if you can find any good deals, especially on items with no 'clear' value (like painted items) or items with a lot of difference between buy and sell orders so its less likely that bots can undercut you. Even if a deal doesnt seem that great in the beginning, stay patient and you might very well still walk away with a great deal. In trade servers you also often see people wanting to buy your trading cards and cs:go cases. What they do is they buy them for a few scrap and sell them on the community market for a small (but percentually reasonable) profit. I found that its incredibly hard to get a trade this way and kinda obnoxious to have someone spam in the chat ' Buying trading cards for 0,44 ref' but it's something you can give a shot. Low tier trading really is a grind, but if you pull through it can also be very fun when you get a good deal! I am not sure why and how you exactly want invest with one key, but I wish you the best of luck in your trading journey!
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