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  1. As a tf2 player and in trading in general there are blackmailing poeple for tf2. I see alot of it mostly on scrap .tf. lets try put end to this right now we wan't scrap tf to be safe enviorment where everyone can be free but blackmailers are being worse and worse. What is blackmailing?: Black mailing is illegal and can surve up to definitely jail or prison (depending ((Also jail and prison theres diffrences)).) It when a person demands money, Items, or something or else they want. If victim doesn't give what blackmailer's what the criminal(Yes it is illegal) will do something to shame them or post something embarrassing the victim doesn't want have in front public. Heres example. (THIS NEVER HAPPEND IN REAL LIFE) Imagine theres person name Tom. Tom is normal 10 year old one day when bully came and weggied him and bully took picture. The next day after school bully comes up to Tom shows picture he took and he demands 60$ and science and a chemistry project get bully A+ And Tom doesn't do it then he would post picture on what ever where on public. (And right there is blackmailing.) Tom now has make a choice. Now story is done im going explain more. If its online yes it is still blackmailing even if its not $ and what the criminal is demanding is whatever that victim has. Also here's story online not really happening but example. Imagine we all get mad and then we spam in chat right? What if someone was recording then they show and have proof and demand items or something else that victims has then thats blackmailing. Now we can stop it if we report all blacks mailers also here list of poeple who blackmail i found in Scrap tf in general who should be banned (Has sources): (No much yet. BUT SERIOUSLY THEY ARE OUT THERE AND ITS HARD FIND THEM BECAUSE THEM CHANGING THERE NAMES.)
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