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Everything posted by JoBlo

  1. I understand your point but that is not an economic TF2 issue. That is an internal Scrap.tf issue. Let's look at what Scrap.tf devotes to bot space at Marketplace.tf? Every item deposited by sellers to the Marketplace.tf bots are stored by Scrap.tf until they sell. Scrap.tf deems this worthwhile because they will reap the revenue rewards when items sell. It's the same concept for Item banking at Scrap.tf. Sellers should be able to decide if they want to keep their keys and buy items with refined not the other way around. If I go to a store and purchase an item with 1,000 pennies instead of 10 dollars the store must accept right? This is an issue only because of the current TF2 key price economy. It's out of control.
  2. So I'm buying some hats and I have over 150 refined in my backpack. The hats are about 38 refined. Scrap.tf should only take refined from buyers backpacks until there is "not enough" refined to make the trade. Than and only than should the bots take the buyers keys and give any necessary change. It's tricky of Scrap.tf to do this. It gains them much needed keys. For their customers it forces them to replace the lost key with keys that (very likely) cost more than the original key based on current TF2 economics. Win win for Scrap.tf and lose lose for their customers. Scrap.tf please balance the books by changing this auto key swiping system and 1st always take the refined if available and than take keys only if necessary to complete the bot trade.
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