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Da Person01

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Everything posted by Da Person01

  1. So basically i've got i friend who has been playing for a month or two. He's a good guy, but what really annoys me is that all his good stuff(i.e. stranges, metal etc, basically n everything except unique weapons) has been obtained from him asking me and others for free. I feel that is begging, but he says its just 'asking' for them, because he doesn't spam trade requests or anything. Is it really begging, or am I just a mean person?
  2. Yes. Scrap.tf is now buying my skin for 0.88 ref and selling it for a bit more than 1 ref. Ah well, bad luck for me.
  3. I do apologize if the answer is really obvious, I haven't used scrap.tf alot. So yesterday I bought a civic duty skin for 3 ref. And today its worth 1.55 ref. Does that mean I ripped myself off and can't get a refund? All help is appreciated. If that is the case I think I'll just hate myself for not waiting. Cheers guys!
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