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About Aledriv

  • Birthday 06/19/1997

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  1. Hey guys! I'm new to both trading and youtube, but after about one day, I managed to trade up to 3 keys worth, honestly I could have done more, but I had to leave 5 hours into it to visit family. [removed] It wont be a '1 SCRAP 2 UNUSUAL' series. I dislike them because everyone announces they are a youtuber when they enter, and they are making a series. I won't be doing that, Ill be just trading like any other normal person without advantages of people wanting to be in a youtube video.
  2. Iv built my own method. Every one elses method works off Dr. Buddha or what ever his name is. My way does use trading cards, but it also uses hats. I don't buy keys because buying a name tag is better I find. I make a little more scrap then I do with a key.
  3. Just as an experiment I decided to do 1 scrap to unusual in a day, and I have to go some where so I stopped... However I made 3Keys worth in my backpack. I feel like I should record it sometime and give people tips. Because everyone hangs in trade hangouts to sell weapons. DO NOT DO THAT, play normal servers. People in trade hangouts arn't stupid.
  4. Alright so I was watching this fairly recent tutorial on scrap banking and such on youtube, and I was following what a guy did with his tutorial, and ended up buying 37 Trading cards for 1 scrap per. Turns out, this is a fairly stupid idea. The guy in the video made enough money from selling the cards to buy a key, and I did it the exact same way he did, over the week. Not even near enough for a key, so instead I bought a name tag, that's worth 6.33Ref. So Ill only be making 1 scrap profit :l Does anyone have any good methods? I found that selling hats is much faster and profitable.
  5. I'm confused with that also. I think each site has different prices, Iv been buying trading cards from one site for 1 scrap, and selling them here and making profits :l Some of this sites prices are just outrageous, but most prices are really decent.
  6. Iv made 4 refined quite quickly, so I guess its time to move to hats
  7. Last night, after thinking about all the stuff I lost a few years ago when I was a newb to the internet and was stupid enough to click risky links, I decided to go on youtube and look up the things you could do with TF2's scrap besides making crappy hats. Needless to say I was surprised by a guy who went from a single weapon, selling it for 1 scrap, to a ton of keys, refined. So now I'v decided to buy my weapons from here for 2 for 1, and selling them 4 weapons for 3. And so for its working out really well
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