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The "best find stories"- Need some information!

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So I just saw that best find on scrap.tf story. How are some people getting hats that are like 5 ref (ie level 3 chin) for 1.33 and stuff? All the expensive hats sell for around backpack.tf price in bots. Except for perhaps paint which could raise its worth I dont see how one could get a expensive hat for cheap. Also, about the rare unusuals in hat bots- do they have a purple outline or something? And the genuine are green background? 

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Before higher-priced items  got a special price, people would occasionally accidentally/generously sell hats to the bots for ~1.33. People would then 'snipe' them (camping the bots until they found something to resell for a small profit) or come across them in a streak of luck.


Unusuals get a purple outline and Genuines get a green outline - just as Stranges get an orange, Collectors' get red, Vintages get blue etc.

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Before higher-priced items  got a special price, people would occasionally accidentally/generously sell hats to the bots for ~1.33. People would then 'snipe' them (camping the bots until they found something to resell for a small profit) or come across them in a streak of luck.


Unusuals get a purple outline and Genuines get a green outline - just as Stranges get an orange, Collectors' get red, Vintages get blue etc.

Man I was SO BUMMED LAST NIGHT! There was a genuine samur-eye and the mask from the shogun update, and i was checking to see how much they were worth and someone got them. They were like over half a key each! (1.60 or so dollars on SCM)

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