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Pricing for a medigun signed by PYYYOUR?


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Someone suggested I try making a post on the tf2 trading forum and I can only see a general one so I'm making a post here to see what happens.

I have a strange Medigun that's gifted by PYYYOUR, so it's "signed" by one of competitive's more famous players. I got it from the first Tip of the Hats charity event and I haven't been giving it enough love so I want to trade it away, but given it's uniqueness I'm not sure what to price it at, just that I know it's worth more than a standard strange. So, any suggestions?

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This one? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014574557/inventory/#440_2_1680089202

I wouldn't pay more than the price of a Strange Medi Gun for it, and you can't expect most people to pay more than that.

However, a collector would be willing to pay more. Your options therefore are to sell it for very little or to hold on to it and hope you can find a person who collects weapons signed by people from that team, or just that player, or people whose name begins with P.

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