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So I'm jumping into trading now!

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Last night, after thinking about all the stuff I lost a few years ago when I was a newb to the internet and was stupid enough to click risky links, I decided to go on youtube and look up the things you could do with TF2's scrap besides making crappy hats. Needless to say I was surprised by a guy who went from a single weapon, selling it for 1 scrap, to a ton of keys, refined.



 So now I'v decided to buy my weapons from here for 2 for 1, and selling them 4 weapons for 3. And so for its working out really well :D

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I'm going to tell my experience so far with trading.

2 weeks ago my whole BP was +/- 0.33 ref, after 2 days, without even opening the game, I went from 0.33 ref to almost 1 key.

How? Item bots. There are a lot of people who put genuines/vintages/stranges in the bots. 

In case you care, here's the basic process.

*slow part* For now, since you are scrapbanking I suggest you to look into the weapon bots, at random, hopefully you'll find a vintage weapon. And with that you'll  have a 0.16 ref profit, plus the profit that you are currently making it's going to workout.

*ez pz part* After you got 1.66 ref or more, now you can go into the hat bots, now you are going to make profit faster. If you look on bp.TF there are a lot of bots/automated trades, that is what you have to look out for. 

Let's say you buy a hat from the bots, 1.55ref, and there is an automated trade over BP.tf for 1.66ref, you just made 1 scrap of proft, probably you're going to find genuines in the bots, which again, is profit.

After that you have to go and trade on an actual server.


Read the damn rules, it's not that hard to do ç_ç

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