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Everything posted by Barril

  1. How long does an auction ban last?

    1. Luki


      Please keep any questions you have to the Help&Support forums, you'll only receive an answer there.

    2. Barril


      I already posted but no one replied

    3. Luki


      You've posted this within 2 minutes of you posting the thread, please be patient. You should usually receive a reply within a day, Jesse also never responds to these inquiries, it's what the help center and the Help&Support forums are for.

  2. Is there any safe way to sell a key from microsoft office? My grandad gave me one as a birthday present and I tried on tf2 servers but no one wants, maybe there's a dedicated or specific method to sell third party licencing with a middleman. If anyone has some info that'd be helpful I'd really appreciate it since I already haveoffice on my pc and it's useless to have a key without givign it use
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