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  1. ok so I think I  found the problem. The bot doesn't like me paying with 2 keys in full. Is there any way the items im paying could be put in a bots inventory that isn't full?

  2. For certain raffles I try to join I get an error message saying "Only 1 user can enter a raffle from the same IP address at a time.Check the help menu for more info." Reasons I believe this is occurring: I have a sibling using the same IP as me which may be why it is saying only one user can enter from the same IP address. Please tell me ways I can have this resolved.
  3. I was trying to withdraw my 1.44 ref from the site inventory from the auction part. I withdrew my items and the trade was loading. Then after about 15 min an error popped up saying that the bot did not have the items. I did not even get to trade with the bots. Then when I looked back in my site inventory the items were gone. They aren't in my TF2 inventory or in the site inventory. If you can tell me why this happened that would be great.

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