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Is it really worth it

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Well, depends on your situation and your outlook for the future.


Let me give an example in which I assume that someone is looking for someone to buy a bills at "full price" (whatever that is, probably backpack.tf price which is almost always behind)...


4 Months ago, Bills hat were bought by us for about 4-5 keys. The user preferred to not sell to us because he thought he could find someone who will pay him more. So he looked on outpost, waited for hours on trade servers, checked every forum...


...after about a month the price of bills was updated on backpack.tf, because no one seemed to sell it anymore at its listed price. The user was shocked: "Oh damn, the price is now lower! I need to get rid off the bills ASAP!".


..he visited scrap.tf and, to his own disappointment, the price we bought bills for was even lower than before. Again he tried to find someone paying him more for the hat.


Conclusion: It would have not been not worth it for the user to sell the hat to scrap.tf at any point in time, because apparently he really enjoyed the entertaining time he had on the trading forums and trading servers while searching for a buyer. He met some nice people and heard some funny jokes, also got to know a few new memes.


And now you decide for yourself. Is there someone you can sell the bills hat right now for more, or would you need to put up substantial effort and time to find a buyer?

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