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Ah, the Sniper's classic SMG. One of the least used weapons overall in the entire game, shadowed by its more popular options like the Darwins [Dumb***] Shield, Razorback, hell even sometimes the Cleaner's Carbine. It's also one of the cheapest Stranges/ reskins/ festives (sometimes all at once), even when it's Factory New, and there are pages full of Unusual horrid SMG's sold for $50 (No one's THAT desperate for an Unusual item that isn't a Minigun, Sniper Rifle, Medigun, Flamethrower, Scattergun, sometimes a Knife, or Rocket Launcher). 

Does anyone even use the SMG to begin with? Personally I feel like the SMG is barely ever used, and if it is, it's used by F2P CoD squeaker fanboys [who don't realize CoD and TF2 bullet damage, and overall logic, are completely different from each other], so its overall image is pretty lackluster.

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