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Michael Jay

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Everything posted by Michael Jay

  1. It ran at up towards the
  2. Banned for being a responsible and observant person
  3. Banned for making it personal.
  4. Banned for not realizing it's a communist sans.
  5. Banned for making it sounds like just because this is an internet forum weird things should be done like saying ban/banned twice.
  6. Keep fighting the good fight, it'll hatch one of these times.
  7. Magnus, Magnum, Capt. Falcon, King Kong. That's all I got, congratulations though.
  8. Then you probably wont be able to withdraw your item(s) until said auction is done. I believe you have to give it to a bot right? So then the bot will hold the item until your auction is over, a staff member closes the auction, *for whatever reason* If someone bids the minimum bid on your item or if there is a buyout price, someone buys it. If you desperately need your item back you could look into the Help Center to see if there is any other info you may need or be able to get.
  9. Banned for banning a doctor. (I know the reference i'm just being cheeky)
  10. I think you should do things you enjoy, through your own enjoyment as long as it's genuine people follow along. So if you enjoy playing games and commentary then I think you'll be good.
  11. Well at least you learned from it, some people go by not knowing their mistake. I'd say mine was a while after becoming a P2P which I had traded for so I knew the general ropes of trading. I really wanted a game and got too impatient for a good price, and due to my interest I blinded myself I was being scammed. Not too severe, but severe enough for me to regret it. I enjoy the game either way, but I learned that patience when trading is a wonderful thing. Never rush into a trade. Back up and think about your decision and if it's worth it for sure.
  12. I haven't actually gotten Pokemon Sun yet (planning to soon) But I've never actually had any luck using the Shiny charm, Masuda Method at the same time. I've only found one shiny on my own which was a Staravia. (Which looks pretty rad might I add) But that's awesome how quick you got your shiny. I mean considering how long it takes usually. Congrats
  13. I mean when keys first started going up in price it was about a ref, started going down, then out of the blue it blindsided a lot of people by steadily raising up. So if it's falling right now it'll certainly be a matter of time before it either goes back to the price it was a little while ago or just go higher. That's how I see it at least.
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