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Everything posted by Zay

  1. Do you have a super cool awesome Gamemode idea? Well you are in luck! My favorite thing to do is make gamemodes for garrysmod. All you have to do is either comment here with your idea and ill contact you through steam or if you don't want anyone stealing your idea comment on my steam profile letting me know you have an idea you want made and ill add you on steam to discuss it. FAQ 1. Is this free? It really depends on the complexity of the gamemode you want created. if it is going to take months my time is not free. If its simple gamemode for you and some friends that can be done in a day or so i could be free. it depends 2. My gamemode has a bug! Can you fix it? If its a bug I left in there by accident or something i should have noticed, this will always be free. 3. I want more content can you add it for me? Again this goes back to how long it will take me to add. If its simple and its your first time then its probably free. If it is complex or going to take awhile then it will maybe cost you Pricing is something we can discuss once you have told me your idea. I accept USD or keys
  2. Hai. I would love to join and i play mostly sniper and Soilder but i will not be avalible on the 20th due to work but all the other days i'm good to go. I've always wanted to play competitive once in my life this is the best opportunity to! Always more then happy to talk on an VoIP only downside i live in US. http://etf2l.org/forum/user/108558/
  3. Actually Dragon Lore is about $2000 its a Extreamly Rare item from Cobblestone cases... and those cases are $50 each
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