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three toads in a ziploc bag

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Everything posted by three toads in a ziploc bag

  1. >tfw you have no friends and nobody even tries to prank you

  2. as mod, my first order of business is to officially change the site name to scraparadocks.tf

  3. going to dev.scrap.tf just redirects me to the regular site .-.

    1. Allure


      I believe you need a beta tester badge for dev site access

    2. three toads in a ziploc bag

      three toads in a ziploc bag

      nah you can go to the dev site, i think its just not when they're actively working on an update

  4. guess im not leaving quite yet

  5. i know its a bug. ive just only ever seen it with two copies. never 8...
  6. lol no big deal, just had the same guy enter my raffle eight times XD
  7. There's a typo in the gif in your signature. Oh wait, wheres your cookie? :3
  8. [anyone else wanna keep going past 100?]
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