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Everything posted by Pannington

  1. I believe I will just try to get everyone to work together more while stopping the meme spammers / troublemakers. My reasoning for that is I made a few "Pan's Moment on" moments on sensitive topics such as sexuality, and instead of everyone freaking out there were actual discussions about it with everyone going, for the most part, "Well I might not agree with it but I wont hate for it."
  2. If I find that the others are qualified I will promote them to different jobs, such as Vp. If not or if there is a better choice I will simply state that was a good election, and I hold no grudges on the winner. Maybe host a few raffles in their honor.
  3. I love it. Its very easy to meet new people with different interests, personalitys and more. Unless theres hate, its great.
  4. Who do you plan on making your VP or SS if you win?
  5. I have a plan to make a raffle series known as "Pan's moment on:" which I will talk about various issues and general topics, with users having the possibility to change the raffles a bit.
  6. I will promise the new members that if they accept and follow the rules they will get a spot in this great community, and I will ask the members of scrap.tf to take the noobies under their wings to make them as well respected as many of us.
  7. My replys are a bit slow tonight, sorry.
  8. I will do my best to get the great members of scrap.tf to get atleast one raffle that is 10+ keys a month up. I myself plan to do around 5 ref raffles daily, along with a key every weekend.
  9. This is the internet, we arent all from america. Also Deez nuts and donald trump are doing well in those elections.
  10. I will work to give frequent giveaways for everyone, with their worth being over 5 ref. I will also work to unify the rafflers and members in the belief that all scrap.tf members are equal, and will work hard to punish the rule breakers and meme spammers.
  11. Remember the good days when ref wasn't everywhere, and keys were 8.66 or less?

  12. That cookie was a spy! But now its mine!
  13. Banned for multiple ban attempts.
  14. Sold 10.66 worth of items (quicksells) to buy 4 cs:go card sets. I refresh the page and 2 sets are sold ;-;

  15. banned for attempted seduction
  16. Banned for not being cute enough.
  17. Post some poetry down below. Ill start first. *cracks knuckles* My enemy is RED, my team is BLU, you better watch out, theres a spy behind you.
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