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Why are you making Battle-worn parts so cheap?

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Scrap.tf is undervaluing MVM Battle-worn parts. Buying at a scrap? No ones going to sell them for that price. You should, at least buy them for 2 scrap and sell them for 1 rec. All you're doing is getting people to buy them up (with bots probably) then resell them. It shouldn't matter either way because you will still be making 1 scrap off of it. What you have now are basically empty bots with nothing to trade. Is there a reason for this decision?

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On 11/19/2015, 4:27:04, Lukiday said:

They probably have their reasons.

If you look they have too many of those parts so the supply vs demand increases which means that the prices drop.


Not true at all. The demand is such that people will buy these underpriced goods and resell them. That's why theres never any BW parts in the bots. Because they under price them. They're simply being resold elsewhere.


IF they want to do that, fine i guess, but in reality only resellers buy them, so in terms of profit their losing out big time.

NOt to mention it's a waste of resources. All the bots are now empty the majority of the time? Doesn't make sense to me.

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