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About bluejay

  • Birthday April 24

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    None, i don't feel like wasting my time on ''interests'' anyway..

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  1. Overstock sir.. You can't sell or see the items that are overstocked in the bots, you cannot either see the items that the bots don't accept. You'll usually see on the bottom of the page what the bot sells/buys.
  2. 2 weapons 1 scrap, 3 scrap 1 reclaimed, 3 reclaimed - 1 refined , those are metals wich are used for crafting, would say its more useful if you'd trade those for items instead since theres no point of crafting unless you need a weapon badly) You never profit trough crafting if you aren't that one lucky guy who gets a 100% on everything. - I don't want to sound rude, just wanted to say that
  3. I'd say around 8-12 refined, including if you are new to trading i'd suggest having a friend who is used to trading help you out or use www.backpack.tf. Beware of scammers.
  4. Ask for offers or just reduce the price to 60 - 55 keys , also depending on how much you got it for (don't need to listen to that< if unboxed)
  5. I didn't read the rules at first since i had no time, i donated a few , later on read the rules trough and pressed the hidden little button. - Its kinda hilarious anyways, to even be able to use the site without reading the rules ~
  6. Most new players usually ask ''How do you do that'' i'd usually respond by pressing G, but these are my personal taunts that i've bought'' Yet, not all people can afford to use money in-game or simply not allowed. It'd just ruin payload race if EVERY payload map had to be that way, yet if you could make a server or two with it, and simply using a script wich enables the user to taunt by typing !taunt in the chat + pressing number of taunt, or use the console.
  7. Don't keep ur head too high tho, good luck. I've won 1 raffle out of 28 ~
  8. Why won't Geel add a new bot and name it ''Scraptain America''



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