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Everything posted by Storrent

  1. This forum game is called Prediction. You predict something about the next poster, and they say TRUE or FALSE. Then they predict something about the next poster. [Example] Bob: The next poster likes tacos! Steve: True! The next poster has brown eyes! Mr. Sprinklez: False! The next poster hates cats!... and so on. OK, Go! The next poster likes cheese.
  2. guy you are unoriginal
  3. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  4. The legacy will live on!
  5. I would blow 10,000 on steam and buy a shit ton of unusuals off the market ͡(° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. Mr. Lotta Posts
  7. oh most annoying boop ever
  8. Chykneez gui hoo liekz pwr rangurz
  9. I sold a weapon for a scrap. I no trade well good at all cookie. Don't kill me for not using your site I'll give you a hug if you let me live.
  10. ow cactus killed my 347 year old potato
  11. Yes, It's back from the old one! Give a nickname to the person above you, based off of picture/name/anything else! Go!
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