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Limits to Forum Profile Backgrounds

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1) Why are the dimensions so small, to the point where it's almost impossible for any decent gif/image to be recognizable? (Yes I understand the reasons why, but could you, IDK, maybe in the future consider making the size of the profile a couple pixels longer, like from 800x150 (or whatever it is now), to 800x400/ 350?)

2) Could you make it possible in the future for us to zoom out our gifs/images for our forum profile backgrounds, so they don't end up blurry from being zoomed in to hell? Just a possible idea to think on.

3) I'm not sure what the limits on a forum profile background can be considered as (no NSFW, gore, controversial, etc), so before I risk it, I'd like to know if these are alright to use:

 *Look at the files I attached here*





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