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Everything posted by EmptyEngineer

  1. No Heart I'm called Empty for a reason!
  2. I need a good loadout, and I would like your opinion. It can be for any class, I already have an idea for the demo though.
  3. Head Prize and the King of Scotland Cape, as well as some other nice thing to make you look more rich. That's a pretty good loadout for demo, and the only one I can really think of. For Halloween, the classes have animal cosmetics, so that's a great time for loadouts.
  4. Vacuum sucks. You should get that fixed.
  5. I'm sorry for bursting the bubbles of anyone here, but it seems like the discussion is mostly about puzzle raffles, so I'll just put this here and sneak back into the darkness. You have entered 10,933 public raffles in total and won 114 items from 87 raffles. I've won quite a bit, but most of that got reraffled over time in more than 3 keys worth of raffles.
  6. Banned for false spelling of the world fraudulence and being too lazy to spell out the word "eye" in your name.
  7. Granted, but everything will become nothing instead of nothing being given. I wish to be empty... oh wait... hold on. I wish for manage armors (more anagrams).
  8. Racism toward the meme community? Memes are my favorite. My profile picture doesn't have to be a meme. My username... well... you got me there. You're banned for false accusations!
  9. Dark Fantasies. Gotta have them dark fantasies.
  10. Apart from what was already said against you, keys can't be fake. If you mean they weren't there, then how'd you miss it? Also, you could have just picked the name of the highest unusual in the bot and tried to scam through the forums, not a good move.
  11. The Community Market is horrible, but Lukiday brings up a fair point. I'd probably just buy some keys and get an unusual with those keys instead.
  12. Ice! The thing that's covering the ground outside my house and I almost slipped on today. Good stuff.
  13. You got it wrong, it's Shebulaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and Orbiting Lukiday. My top favorites (not my most favorite) are the newer Neutron Star as well as Eldritch Flame, its counterpart, and most of the second generation effects. Arcana and The Ooze also are good. My favorite overall is Green Energy, though. My favorite taunt effect overall is '72, if I found a bug in TF2 and Valve gave me one unusual hat it would have this effect, all the time. My favorite weapon effect is Isotope, it's cooler than Cool and hotter than Hot. It barely beats Energy Orb, though.
  14. Banned for having 4 posts, with the one I'm currently staring at being from 4 hours ago while also having 4 of the letter e in your name, and an extra 4 just to make it 4 4s.
  15. Doritos Sponsor. You have to have the MLG Dorito Sponsor, but I guess that _BillChipher | ScrapTF works for now.
  16. [Trust me, I actually can't use staff powers. Not real ones, anyway.]
  17. Banned for improper usage of a like, saying that editing a post is subject to a ban, and saying that I can't use staff powers.
  18. Big earner. Spy mains gotta make a living, you know?
  19. [Banned by Engie - Replying to Your Post With Something You Said Gets You Banned]
  20. I didn't respond every day, but I was dead again today because I was forced to go to places by friends and my brother. I hate Christmas sometimes.
  21. Yeah, it should appear in your Steam inventory, and then you click on it and click the button to add to your inventory. I've used this feature before.
  22. Banned for copy and pasting from a raffle to make it look official. I would, but that hasn't happened in the past few days. I'll try to find a banned person soon enough and take theirs for this reason to take you down with.
  23. I'd literally be an engie. I'd first build a teleporter to any place I go frequently so that I can go there anytime, but I'd have to hide it. I could also build a dispenser to get more metal easily, it would probably be the first thing I'd do. I'd also set up a sentry somewhere, probably because the FBI caught on and wanted to abuse my magical wrench.
  24. Banned for abusing staff powers on the forum to make it look official. Who's the cool one now? The Fox, of course.
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