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Alexander Wedlin

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About Alexander Wedlin

  • Birthday 02/04/1997

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in Florida
  • Interests
    TF2, ScrapTF

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Alexander Wedlin's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)


Community Answers

  1. I never say anything here, except now :P

  2. Banned for making an absurdly long ban reason
  3. Gee, it sure is boring around here....

    1. Jenny🖤


      Excuuuuseeee mee princess

    2. General Synnacle

      General Synnacle

      So is life. You get used to it. Go on a site called FunnyJunk when you're bored as shit, keeps me entertained for a full minute.

  4. Banned for being the 11th doctor.
  5. Banned for saying someone's banned for saying banned multiple times
  6. None really, not an unusual person Has two unusuals
  7. Guess what...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Luki


      Yep, that's mine, thanks


    3. rat


      Can i have a number 6? With coke

    4. Andrea .

      Andrea .

      Does it involve anything with collars?


      If not, is there a party?

  8. Banned for not being a doorknob engie.
  9. Feeling festive, i wanna put christmas lights up around my room.
  10. Fun Fact! Over 460 of those trades have been for Raffles!
  11. What does your wallpaper look like? Nothing lewd obviously... Here's one that I use, it's Windows 95's install wallpaper And here's another one that I use, I mean sharks obviously
  12. I like it, been using it for 5 months now and not really had any problems, I'm not really a fan of the new Start Menu so I installed Classic Shell to bring the old Start back
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