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Gaia's Minion

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Everything posted by Gaia's Minion

  1. Uhh... It has a price on bp.tf did you check correctly?
  2. As much as I enjoy making Auctions (specially No Min Bid ones cause they're fun :csdsmile:), I agree, if, they are not going to be fixed, just remove them until someone comes out and actually works on them to make them actual Auctions instead of bad trades.
  3. Yeah I've seen those ones, and I've also seen people who have the "guts" to go "Buying 5 ref for 4 Ref 80% IF!" wish we could report them all...
  4. And the "Selling low-tier skin for an extremely overpriced price because there's 1 listing in the SCM for over $100 and whoever calls me out and provides info demontrating that the skin is worth 1 ref instead of 100 keys will get their comments deleted" auctions
  5. Yup, for every good auction there's 20+ "Lime hat Worth 1 key in bp.tf selling for 25.44!1 HUGE DISCOUNT!!!!"
  6. Well, I mean, if that's the case, then why add them in the first place? They had to know that Auctions weren't going to bring them profit so it's not like "Oh look at that, we aren't getting profit, who would've thought that"
  7. Simple, Jesse isn't a big fan of Auctions and Geel is not paying attention to them. That's why there's a "lack of love" for Auctions.
  8. Bp.tf adds parts though, and remember that they recently changed so now your strange item gets 20% of the strange parts added to its price. So maybe Bazaar hasn't updated that and still add 50% of the strange parts to your strange item?
  9. Yes! Thank you! I'm tired of being the only one who feels this way. Why is so hard for people to understand that an Auction is NOT for Selling items?! I've made some suggestions in the past regarding this and the advertisiment issue This for the ads that don't seem to get banned anytime soon: https://forum.scrap.tf/topic/12168-link-auctions-option-when-creating-a-raffle And this to have better Auctions: https://forum.scrap.tf/topic/12157-minimum-bid-bar-and-limit-on-auctions But *sigh* honestly all of this is pointless, Jesse already said that Geel doesn't pay attention to Auctions and won't do for quite some time because of personal issues, so I guess that we just have to deal with Auctions being "broken" until they get attention or until they get removed again..
  10. Every once in a while I also get that notification. My solution? Close every Scrap.tf related Tab for about 10-15 minutes, and then try again and it works. Also, this should go either on Bug Reports or Help & Support.
  11. Like I said, it has to be the same exact item, not a similar one, items have unique IDs so you can't just replace them on Bids. Sadly it sounds like the Bidder is going to face a Ban since they won't be able to Finish the Bid.
  12. If the bidder tracks down the exact same item and buys it back, then they probably will be able to finish the bid. If they buy a similar item, they won't be able to finish the bid because the ID would be different than the one used in the Bid.
  13. They seem to not have been in the site for 4-5 Months, so maybe they got "saved" because they're inactive?
  14. Go here to see all the raffles you've made: https://scrap.tf/raffles/mine
  15. Just scroll down and you'll see who won what item from your raffles,
  16. IMO every raffle is a great/successful raffle as long as it has a message and a meaning. With this I mean that the Raffler puts emotion in what they say and don't do raffles "just because". Ask people how are they doing, tell us about your day, look for opinions on something, rant/vent about a certain topic, let people know that something good happened, let people know that something bad happen. Overall, just express yourself. That's what makes a great and/or successful raffle. Don't raffle because your schedule says so. Don't raffle to get more "respect". Don't raffle just to have a lot of Created Raffles. Because then your raffles become an obligation, something that you do because you have to do it. Instead of being something that you do because you want to. But again, that's my opinion~
  17. The Admins don't have to apologize, they were just doing their job. If they apologize and he comes back, then it'd basically mean that The Incinerate can get away with breaking the rules and that could make other people try and do it. Which would be bad. Also, this could be just me thinking the worse. But when all of the drama because of him leaving started, I saw some people (can't really remember who) talking about how "Things don't always are how they seem" so, (again, this is just me thinking the worse) he could've acted not so kindly towards the Staff. So if he did that, expecting an apology from the Staff is kinda hypocritical from his part.
  18. It is known that the Scrap.tf bots don't pay anything extra for KS on weapons, this is (I guess) because KS prices change almost daily so it'd be hard to calculate prices for them.
  19. Your keys are Untradable. You have to wait until Wed 08 for them to be Tradable.
  20. I was talking to a friend a while ago about how fun/nice it'd be if they added spells to make certain weapons be "alive". I.e. a Spell for the HHH/Eyelander that it'd make it whisper whenever you get a head, or a spell that would make "animal" weapons such as the backburner or the huo-long heater growl when you aren't using them. Also, another idea was for some new spells to give special attributes to Skins, they'd go from changing colors, their patterns glowing or getting darker (just like how paint spells work on hats/cosmetics) to blood splatters appearing on the weapon whenever you get a kill. I think that'd be cool.
  21. Well, Scrap.tf is probably the only site where you can get Battle-Worn parts for 0.33 Ref or 1 Reclaimed instead of 0.44 and more, which means that it has the cheapest prices, meaning that a lot of people fight to get as much parts as they can as soon as they get deposited. There's no need to raise their prices as it'd make Scrap.tf be part of the group of Bots and people who sell Battle-Worn parts for over 0.44 instead of being the place where you can still get robo parts for a cheap price.
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