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Everything posted by Luki

  1. butt dis thread is for people that dooo.
  2. Luki

    Not a Rick Roll

    Is not scam cyka http://www.5z8.info/openme.exe_l9b0ta_hack-outlook yup... http://dickensurl.com/17a0e/I_am_the_only_child_of_parents_who_weighed_measured_and_priced_everything_for_whom_what_could_not_be_weighed_measured_and_priced_had_no_existence
  3. it's google, how safe do you want it to be. also, a direct link embeds the image into your post.
  4. So far we have 0,66%; 0,77%; 0,91%; 0,54%; 0,67%; 0,45%; 3,25%; 0,56%; 1,03%; 0,27%; 0,48%; 0,87%; 0,82%; 0,36%; 0,71%; 0,69%; 0,07%; 0,69%; 0,61%; 0,49%; 1,40%; 0,66%; 1,38%; 0,52%; 0,63; 0,72; which averages to 0,77%
  5. Luki

    Corrupt a wish :3

    Wish granted ( for 50%) or fully, or both: I'm getting dizzy... I wish for a anti-dizzyness drug.
  6. Luki

    Corrupt a wish :3

    Wish granted, but a clone of Donald Trump is now babysitting you. 24/7. I wish for a nice CS:GO knife for less than 20 bucks.
  7. As far as I know: C# for the bots: https://github.com/Jessecar96/SteamBot Html, Javascript and PHP for the frontend ( I think some jQuery and/or ajax too, but I'm not sure).
  8. It's just a badly optimized browser which links to scrap.tf, I'd suggest that people just use their own preferred browser to browse to the site.
  9. Luki

    Corrupt a wish :3

    I hope this wish will be granted, which is all I can do to help. I wish for the perfect pair of headphones under 100$
  10. will lead (...) will lead the way the heroes next to familiar faces. All the sad people will come one day when the money wanting GabeN decided: no more big discounts.
  11. Luki

    Corrupt a wish :3

    wish granted, here's a burning rabbit's head. Don't touch it cause it's hot. and it will burn up in a few seconds. Here's your max head: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Pile_Of_Ash I wish for a flying carpet.
  12. not quite sure what this has to do with tf2... anyways, this is probably just a steam CSS file which isn't able to load. If it happens every time then it might be blocked by your browser or ISP
  13. Please post help & support questions in the help&support forums. It's a forum bug, if you press the submit topic button 5 times while it's still posting the first one, it gets posted 5 times.
  14. Luki

    Corrupt a wish :3

    Here ya go I wish for a robot that does my schoolwork for me.
  15. Banned for not having more than 1000 posts (which means only neet and I don't get banned)
  16. Luki


    This isn't the suggestions thread :/ The bots don't pay extra for killstreakified weapons and there also is no section for valuable reskins. If the devs wanted to add it they would've added it already and currently they don't accept suggestions for new banking types.
  17. All of the files are compressed into a .zip file. You'll have to decompress (extract) them. How to: Mac: http://support.topspinmedia.com/hc/en-us/articles/204262713-How-to-extract-a-zip-file-on-a-Mac Windows 7 and above: Right-click on the Zip file and choose Extract All
  18. ~~It's all supply and demand~~
  19. Luki

    Corrupt a wish :3

    Wish granted, you'll get a never-ending winter vacation, which means that you'll also get a never-ending winter. Without snow but with a lot of freezing cold rain.
  20. You've got a 0,49% winning chance, which isn't that bad. To compare:https://forum.scrap.tf/topic/4185-scraptf-raffles
  21. As manfred said, it has no effect on it as you can still withdraw raffles because you don't lose any items. Winning raffles is pure luck, as far as i know there are no complex algorithms involved, just a randomizer
  22. Yeah, that's a bug. There are already posts about this in the help&support and the bug section. (this is the tf2 general subforum, so I don't think you'll be getting help here)
  23. Luki

    Corrupt a wish :3

    Wish granted, but it's unstoppable and you can only fly up with a constant speed. So, say goodbye as you'll be soon leaving the atmosphere. I wish for a printer.
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