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Everything posted by Luki

  1. RT @Axie | ScrapTF " Why are you following me, THIS AINT TWITTER! D:  "

  2. Sure, if I win I'll buy you one.
  3. Please post suggestions in the suggestion forums. I'll save you the trouble and say that it won't be accepted as the devs don't accept new banking types:
  4. Logan already made that one though...
  5. Those are nearly all the Russian puns you can make, this is way to specific America:Hey Ivan Russia:da America:what do you call a gassy Russian Russia:hoe don't- America:Vladimir Tootin Russia: America: Russia:fuck you
  6. Banned for using the first search result for dancing duck.
  7. If you think that it isn't abiding the rules, you should report it. It might take a while until a member of staff looks here
  8. Yes, but you need to be trusted by geel. I'm not sure if he allows randoms/people that aren't in the top 100 backpacks.
  9. There are some offers on tf2outpost I think. To find them, go to http://www.tf2outpost.com/search , add a CS:GO wildcard to the left and a refined metal to the right and you should find people selling skins for refined metal.
  10. Banned for being the 16th person to use that reason within this thread.
  11. Banned for thinking sharks have hair. That is obviously one sexy looking toupee
  12. Bannned for having more posts than raffles
  13. hi

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luki


      Aw, this one isn't clickable :(

      go to my profile for a clickable one

    3. rat



    4. 31Darkstar
  14. You don't need to upload it if you want to use it yourself. Once you have finished the mod you can zip it and upload it to a community modding site like gamebanana. When you edit the sound files you'll have to make sure that if you loop the sound, it doesn't sound weird.
  15. add lettuce, tomato and cheese to make a delicious sandvich. (don't forget the olive though) If live gives you matchmaking
  16. It isn't that hard, you just have to make some .wav files that match the heavy current ones and place them at SteamApps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf/custom/sound/weapons (create those folders if you don't have them, make sure to use these exact names) You have to name them: minigun_shoot.wav (normal shooting sound, should loop) minigun_shoot_crit.wav (same but for crits, should loop) minigun_wind_up.wav (plays in the time between left-clicking and firing) minigun_wind_down.wav (plays in the time between releasing left click and the being able to move at full speed again) minigun_spin.wav (for when you hold right-click, should loop) minigun_empty.wav (for when you are out of bullets, should loop)
  17. Reminder: Sleme is hottdog

    1. Alexander Wedlin

      Alexander Wedlin

      A delicious Hotdog?

    2. rat


      Just a hottdog

  18. I demand this thread to be closed for all of the people who don't have spring vacation now. I've already had it.
  19. Please check what went wrong here, https://steamcommunity.com/my/inventoryhistory If it was steam that made a mistake, go to steam support. If anything with our bots went wrong you might be eligible for a refund. If you want one, please post in the refund section of the forums: https://forum.scrap.tf/forum/9-refunds/ Make sure to follow the guidelines.
  20. Ugh, I keep thinking this is the search bar.

  21. Melt it and pour it into your mouth. If life gives you a dead cat...
  22. If only... Also, please post any questions about scrap.tf in the scrap.tf help&support forums, thanks
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